A Love Hate Thing is a new take on the wrong-side-of-the-tracks romance. It’s Whitney Grandison’s first YA novel, and while I wasn’t a huge fan of it, I think it shows promise for future novels. This one is just a little lacking in originality. Grandison is an Own Voices writer (read this great article if […]
Hey, y’all. Happy New Year! I know this is coming a week too late, but I’ve been a little busy. To catch you up on all the things I’ve been doing outside of Reading Whale, here’s a little recap: I graduated college, did a little traveling, celebrated the holidays, and most importantly — read lots […]
Everyone knows the holiday season is the best time for reading by the fireplace, snuggled up under 50 pounds of blankets and a hot cocoa in hand. Going by all the Hallmark movies, it’s also the best time for a good holiday romance. It’s just that Christmas magic. And since it’s also the season of […]
Y’all. This Q&A is to die for. Pun totally intended. Wendy Heard is releasing a new book called The Kill Club (which I’ll be reviewing sometime soon…) on December 17. If the title already drew you in, I can tell you the summary and all of Heard’s answers will just make you even more interested. […]
Today is my last day of undergrad classes, and I’m feeling… lots of things. I’m so happy have made it to the end, so sad to be leaving Columbia, and so excited and nervous for what’s to come. I know this post isn’t bookish, but I thought I would share some of the things I […]
It’s a few days after Thanksgiving, and having spent time with my family, it’s time to tell you all how grateful I am for my bookish friends. Writing this post got me in all the feels. It’s my third year on bookstagram, and I’m still as in love with all the bookish posts, challenges, friends, […]
Flannery O’Connor really is a fiction-writing queen, and she’s great for celebrating on Halloween. Her short stories — like “A Good Man is Hard to Find” and “Revelation” — are creepy and violent and full of zingers. If you’ve never read one of her short stories, I definitely recommend the ones above (they’re perfect for […]
Hey, everyone! I’m so excited to announce a new partnership with Harlequin Trade Publishing. I have so many exciting Q&A and review opportunities coming up with them — and it all starts with Susan Mallery’s Meant to be Yours. I’ll tell you — I got a chance to read a review copy and it is […]
Hey, everyone! I know it’s been awhile (school’s really kicking my butt this semester), but I’m so excited to bring you this guest post by Antoinette Truglio Martin. Her memoir, Hug Everyone You Know, tells her story of her journey after being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. And just for anyone else who might be […]
Another day, another NetGalley review. This one is for We Met in December by Rosie Curtis. Plot twist, though: It’s already published! You won’t even have to wait to run and get it at a bookstore. Which you actually might still be on the fence about after reading this review. I could really give or […]

I'm Caitlin,
and this is Reading Whale. If you've come here, you've finally made it to the right place. Grab a book, read a review, and get comfortable!