Wow. Time flies when you are on exchange. I’m sitting in the library while I’m writing this, simultaneously working on my final papers, studying for an exam, and procrastinating. And all I can think of is that I am leaving Alaska so soon. Like in four days.
I’m so excited to go home and see my family and be on the east coast again. I’m really looking forward to driving my car and getting a chicken biscuit, but those things also mean that I’m leaving the friends and family that I made in Juneau.

I’m to glad to have had this experience, and I will definitely treasure my Alaskan memories forever. In fact, some of my favorite ones were made in the last month (and a half).
I got to see this year’s first snow. Apparently, it wasn’t much compared to Alaskan standards, but I’ve never had snow at college before (South Carolina isn’t big on cold weather). It was a beautiful experience, especially considering the gorgeous Juneau environment.
I also got to spend Thanksgiving with my friends. We had a feast to rival the best of them, as everyone chipped in to make a favorite dish. We had mac n’ cheese, potato dumplings, everything you can imagine (and, of course, pie).
Now, absorbed in paper-writing and study prep, I’m thinking back to the beginning of the semester, when I was first meeting my roommates, learning names, gauging my professors for their grading styles. My first impression of Alaska is still my last: I am going to like it here. I have loved it.

This month really showed me all I gained while here, especially my friendships. I already know I’m going to miss the family I made here.
So, as a last Fried to Frozen note, I want to let anyone reading this know that if you are considering studying abroad, or even going on a national exchange like I did, definitely do it. I was outside of my comfort zone, but the memories I made and the friends I now have were well worth the risk and occasional discomfort.
If you have any questions about National Student Exchange or Alaska, definitely send a message my way, I would love to talk more about my experience with you.
(Published a bit after leaving Alaska, but written before I did. Sorry, finals procrastination continued until January, what can I say?)